Reflection: Shown It? Own It!

So many opportunities for growth! ShownitOwnit

Something that has been coming up a lot lately is the sacred mirror, the reflection that we perceive outside of us as presented in the form of other people and the collective as a whole.

The sacred mirror is showing us an energy that WE TOO are holding in our field on some level. We may not, and in fact are most likely not, aware of it. It can be very tricky to see these hidden patterns and programs which more often than not come complete with their own camouflage.

That’s why it is SO tremendously helpful to be shown the energy of our secret inner world in the outward reflection of our sisters and brothers and the world at large.

Has anyone ever bothered the shit out of you? Well, according to sacred mirror analysis, that person is your beloved teacher because they are showing you an energy that you have disowned and projected outward. They are showing you where you don’t love yourself.

Hate that someone is judgemental? Try an experiment: look at where you might be holding a judgement. Hate that someone is so unconscious? Look at where you feel undeserving of love because of your unconscious choices. Even if you can’t understand how you could possibly be holding that energy, trust that it IS possible and if you’re interested, you can clear it, because you can.

The sacred mirror reminds us that we are ONE. What appears to be external is internal and vice versa. We can take responsibility for what appears to not be ours with this realization and with that response comes great empowerment. Disowning and projecting and maintaining separation consciousness is a HUGE energy drain! How exhausting is it to try and make a lie be true? Taking responsibility for what you see might seem like it takes more energy than disowning it, but like all spiritual practice, it will actually free up more energy and save time!

What kind of amazing shift could we create if we all took this kind of responsibility? Responding to the information the sacred mirror is showing us? Responding from a place of being centered in an identification as love rather than coming from an unconscious, unexamined, assumptive emotional reaction? What if we ALL took responsibility for what we see in the world and lovingly shine the light of our consciousness on it? What if we could start to shift EVERYTHING from the inside out?