ECLIPSE SEASON IS HERE And it’s game on for increased sensitivity and therefore self-care. It is very common to be experiencing an escalation of ascension symptoms as our bodies are clearing more of the old structures and patterns. Some of the typical ones include: body soreness headaches sleep pattern disruption skin rashes allergies or flu-like… Continue reading Eclipse Season Is Here: Up Your Self-Care Game
Author: Tatiana Sakurai
Imbolc Blessings
Even in the Winter storm our roots hold strong to our mother the winds of change will sway us but not break us the gathering light of our consciousness is awakening a blossom of hope our rising is as inevitable as Spring -Tatiana
Upcoming Class: Energy Hygiene + Empath Empowerment
Finally coming out of my fall/winter hermit cave and beginning to schedule some events! JUST IN TIME FOR ECLIPSE SEASON. Get yourself some clarity with: ENERGY HYGIENE + EMPATH EMPOWERMENT Are you a psychic sponge? Do you soak up other people’s emotional energies or feel drained around other people? Join me on Thursday, February 9th… Continue reading Upcoming Class: Energy Hygiene + Empath Empowerment
Lessons from the Winter
Give thanks for your shelter, food, and water. Develop the patience of a seed under the snowy earth. Know that the power and pattern of growth is within you and inevitable. Trust in the coming of the joyful blossoming, the abundant fruiting. Enjoy the quiet stillness. Listen to the whispers of Spirit. Give thanks for… Continue reading Lessons from the Winter
Prayer: Allowing the Healing
So often we truly desire to have a healing, to restore our peace of mind, to clear something that is upsetting us, but we get stuck trying to figure out HOW we’re going to make that happen. Can you relate? I know I can! It was such a relief when I came to the practice… Continue reading Prayer: Allowing the Healing
Spiritual Coaching for Light Warriors
SPIRITUAL COACHING for LIGHT WARRIORS with Tatiana Sakurai New Subscription Service for 2017! Got accountability? Clarity? A prayer partner? Would you like some divine assistance in applying a spiritual practice to your daily life? Would you like a professional in your corner without having to pay tons of money for the privilege? Then may I… Continue reading Spiritual Coaching for Light Warriors
Peace: Choose It Or Lose It
When it feels like your world has turned upside down. When it feels like you could be swept away in a storm of emotions and overwhelming fearful thoughts. When it feels like there is no hope. You have a choice. A powerful choice. We all do. We can choose to value our peace and stay… Continue reading Peace: Choose It Or Lose It
Lammastide: What Are You Harvesting?
Ahhhhhh….deep processing and integration happening today! So thankful and grateful to the 150 beautiful, radiant sisters of Wild Woman Camp-Out for showing up so powerfully! What a convergence and vortex of healing! And what a tremendous opportunity to step up as a pillar priestess of magical ceremony, community building, and event production. It continues… Continue reading Lammastide: What Are You Harvesting?
Reflection: Shown It? Own It!
So many opportunities for growth! Something that has been coming up a lot lately is the sacred mirror, the reflection that we perceive outside of us as presented in the form of other people and the collective as a whole. The sacred mirror is showing us an energy that WE TOO are holding in our… Continue reading Reflection: Shown It? Own It!
Emo Alert: New Moon in Cancer
Let go of the story and let yourself feel. What awareness are you being shown? Listen. There is a whisper in the waves. There is a stillness in the storm. Beneath the turbulent surface, there is depth and clarity. There is wisdom. There is mystery. Only you can read the symbols written there. There is… Continue reading Emo Alert: New Moon in Cancer