So many opportunities for growth! Something that has been coming up a lot lately is the sacred mirror, the reflection that we perceive outside of us as presented in the form of other people and the collective as a whole. The sacred mirror is showing us an energy that WE TOO are holding in our… Continue reading Reflection: Shown It? Own It!
Category: Uncategorized
Emo Alert: New Moon in Cancer
Let go of the story and let yourself feel. What awareness are you being shown? Listen. There is a whisper in the waves. There is a stillness in the storm. Beneath the turbulent surface, there is depth and clarity. There is wisdom. There is mystery. Only you can read the symbols written there. There is… Continue reading Emo Alert: New Moon in Cancer
Peace Is Where You Choose It To Be
CHOOSING PEACE: I just got back from a full moon Summer Solstice camping trip in the gorgeous Mt Hood National Forest. We had found the perfect spot: a crystal clear mountain stream, towering conifers providing plenty of shade, lots of level ground for setting up camp, seclusion from the road and other people, and lots… Continue reading Peace Is Where You Choose It To Be
It’s Elementary: Take Time to Ground
Oh. My. Goddess. Things have been heating up lately! Have you felt it? This is divine alchemy. The fire of Spirit is burning away the impurities of our minds, our hearts, our relationships, our bodies and it is intense! No one said change would be easy, but if we choose to, we can allow ourselves… Continue reading It’s Elementary: Take Time to Ground
4 Elements of Infinite Being :: Lightworkshop Series
4 ELEMENTS OF INFINITE BEING :: A Lightworkshop Series with Tatiana It’s a four-week journey through the archetypal energies of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire! Kick off the summer by joining me for this empowering evening series at Clary Sage Herbarium’s learning annex where we’ll explore expanded consciousness tools and techniques related to the body,… Continue reading 4 Elements of Infinite Being :: Lightworkshop Series
You Need for Nothing: Full Moon Blessings
Sometimes the perfect medicine is right under our noses! Today the rose petals and lemonbalm gathered the other day with the intention of being added into more complex blends were calling out, “we could be a perfect tea all by ourselves!” What a beautiful reminder to simplify and enjoy the blessings under our own roofs… Continue reading You Need for Nothing: Full Moon Blessings
New Moon in Taurus: Water the Seeds of Love
HAPPY NEW MOON IN TAURUS! Beloveds, abundant Love, Grace, and Joy are our Divine birthright! Their frequencies are encoded within you like seeds or sparks of light. What seeds are you activating with the Light of your Mind? New Moon in Taurus reminds you to cultivate that which you desire to embody. Shine the Rays… Continue reading New Moon in Taurus: Water the Seeds of Love
New Intro Classes: Empaths + Crystals
Oh my goddess, it’s almost MAY! Yikes! But also, YAY, because there are some really fun events coming up in May that I am delighted to share with you! The first one is for Goddess Temple Portland and it’s a free conference call that you can join in from anywhere in the world! There will… Continue reading New Intro Classes: Empaths + Crystals
Pink Moon Blessings: Full Moon in Scorpio
Tomorrow night’s Full Moon in Scorpio is the most potent time of the year to open to receive the abundant outpouring of blessings coming from the higher realms! The super-charged revelatory nature of this lunation is showing us where we have chosen to energize unloving and unhelpful thoughts. Can being confronted with our shadow self… Continue reading Pink Moon Blessings: Full Moon in Scorpio
New Moon in Aries: Stand in the Fire
Happy Spring and Happy New Moon in Aries! It’s time to unburden yourself. The call of Spirit and a new adventure beckons. Travel light and in full trust. You will be provided for every step of the way. How can you hear your divine guidance when your mind is cluttered with unloving thoughts and old… Continue reading New Moon in Aries: Stand in the Fire