And it’s game on for increased sensitivity and therefore self-care.
It is very common to be experiencing an escalation of ascension symptoms as our bodies are clearing more of the old structures and patterns. Some of the typical ones include:
- body soreness
- headaches
- sleep pattern disruption
- skin rashes
- allergies or flu-like symptoms
- emotional releases
- craving different foods
- digestion changes
- feeling dehydrated regardless of water intake
- sensitivity to electronics
These indicate that are bodies are working overtime to keep up with the increased influx of light information flooding in to assist the shift happening in the planetary consciousness. So, if you’ve been feeling it lately, trust that you are not alone and that there is something wonderful going on, even though it might feel overwhelming or chaotic at times.
We can make it easier for ourselves, though, and some things that I’ve found are the most helpful are very simple. The key during any healing process is to make space for the healing. Here’s my witch doctor prescription of things you can do to support your body and make these transition periods of energetic upgrades more gentle:
- SALT BATHS: with good ol’ sodium chloride, aka table salt or sea salt. Use about 1 to 1.5 cups per bath. Soak for 15 – 20 minutes. Add a couple drops essential oil if desired. YUM!
- MEDITATION: create s p a c e for your self and your mind. Unplug. Set a timer or song to play and keep coming back to the present moment, the feeling in your body and the breath. Ahhhh!
- WATER: not only bathing in it, drinking it! A LOT. At least a gallon per day. Filtered is great, or let your tap water sit in an open container overnight to off-gas the chlorine. Add a clean rose quartz crystal to charge it up love or some flower essences for extra good vibes. Mmmm!
- MOVEMENT: gentle yoga, stretching, walking (especially in nature!) or dancing are great ways to move energy. Yay!
- MINERALS: make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs. I love VitaMineral Green powder by Health Force for an extra dose of green love. Mm-hmm!
- ENERGY WORK: especially modalities that focus on clearing and balancing. I have some great videos on my youtube channel that can help, or for full power assistance, hit me up for a session. It’s a super potent time to move some energy together!
Blessings for an eclipse season filled with graceful transformation! I love you!