So often we truly desire to have a healing, to restore our peace of mind, to clear something that is upsetting us, but we get stuck trying to figure out HOW we’re going to make that happen.
Can you relate? I know I can!
It was such a relief when I came to the practice I use now, which is to simply surrender the root cause of the pain to Spirit, aka the Beloved I Am presence within, because Spirit doesn’t try to figure things out. Spirit KNOWS.
All that is required of us is the willingness to Let. It. GO.
In that vibe, I offer this prayer:
“I am so thankful today to be joined in Unity Consciousness with the Beloved I Am That I Am to release whatever the cause of this pain is all the way back to the root cause, through all dimensions of time and space. So GRATEFUL that I don’t have to figure out HOW to have a healing, I simply surrender it all to the One who does know! I surrender all attachments to the outcome, trusting and ALLOWING it to be done in perfect Grace. I let it be and so it is! Amen!”
Thank you for praying with me today!
Infinite Love,