Ahhhhhh….deep processing and integration happening today!
So thankful and grateful to the 150 beautiful, radiant sisters of Wild Woman Camp-Out for showing up so powerfully!
What a convergence and vortex of healing!
And what a tremendous opportunity to step up as a pillar priestess of magical ceremony, community building, and event production. It continues to be an initiation each time and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow!
Hearing the voices of my sisters, sharing in their joy, their tears, their heartfelt shares, their dancing, their songs, their wisdom, their grace was and is a gift that will extend and radiate out through me forever. I am grateful to receive it and share it!
I am grateful to Spirit for guiding me along this path of Love, learning and liberation…and I’m grateful to share the benefit of my experience with everyone because we are ONE!
As I’m processing the harvest of my experience at Wild Woman Camp-Out, I wrote a little inspiration for the Goddess Temple Portland page:
Happy Lammas, Beloveds!
We are back from Wild Woman Camp-Out and are in a space of deepest gratitude, process, and integration of the powerful work that has come through the portal of our sacred CONVERGENCE.
At today’s turning of the wheel of the year, we celebrate the harvesting of the first fruits of the season and with tomorrow’s new moon, it seems an especially potent time to look at what we are harvesting in our lives through our spiritual practice.
What is the benefit you are harvesting from your life experiences? What jewels of wisdom are contained within them? What are you releasing to the cosmic compost bin?
May you harvest your blessings and wisdom in total Grace and ease, Dear Ones!