When it feels like your world has turned upside down.
When it feels like you could be swept away in a storm of emotions and overwhelming fearful thoughts.
When it feels like there is no hope.
You have a choice. A powerful choice. We all do.
We can choose to value our peace and stay centered in love and compassion, no matter what kind of psychic storms are blowing, or we can choose to lose our peace of mind, and with it, our power. It’s up to us!
Staying centered in peace and love doesn’t mean not caring, or not taking appropriate action. It means not giving in to the ego impulses to act out of fear, lack, attack, and limitation. It means a willingness to ditch the entire ego thought system platform and reinstalling the blueprint of perfection.
Choosing peace means not losing our minds or forgetting who we are. We are not victims. We are not slaves. We are not subject to others. We are not cast about on the waves of fortune by the whims of fate.
We are sovereign beings, powerful creators and saviors of ourselves. We can–and will–rise above, dive deeper into, move through, transmute and transcend ANYTHING we no longer choose to see or be.
In truth, we ARE the power and the presence of divine Love Light consciousness flowing through all things. When we choose to value peace, we choose to keep that spark of divine energy in the forefront of our mind and create through the clear lens of infinite possibility.
May you feel and know you are supported in choosing peace today.
I love you.
Your Sovereign Sister,