The Changing & The Changeless

Beloved Being,

It appears the winds of Spring are whipping through the psychic landscape, stirring up big changes by stripping away that which no longer serves us and pushing us forward to take steps to evolve.

A lot of folks are in it right now.  If you have been feeling frustrated or triggered in any way, please do know, you are not alone.  These changes are demonstrating the truth of this world which, like the ego, is always changing.

As we witness the changes, we are being encouraged to move past our comfort zones into a more truthful expression of ourselves.  Ego identifications and attachments are falling away as we are guided to wholeheartedly allow ourselves to align with the truth of our higher spirit selves as changeless and eternal beings.

The difference in these two worlds is becoming more and more obvious.  The choice is becoming very clear.  Either you identify with the ever-changing, never-satisfied ego mind, or you identify with the unchanging, unlimited, and ever-loving Mind with a capital M.

Every time things don’t go according to plan, every time you get cut off in traffic, every time someone at work pushes your buttons, every time a family member doesn’t appreciate you.  See if you can remind yourself that you have just been gifted an amazing opportunity to practice.

Is it easy?  Not in my experience!  My ego is a real bitch.  But re-Minding myself gets easier as it becomes more of a habit, and I’ve noticed I have been able to catch myself and come out of judgement faster.  It’s like my 11th grade art teacher told me, “Practice makes better”!

As a result of this practice, I’ve been wasting less time in ego mind and spending more time in my Master Mind, and I much prefer the creations that flow from that Mind more than the twisted mis-creations of my tiny mind.

What about you?  Which mind would you like to identify with?  Would you rather be right or peaceful? Experience heaven or hell?  Have judgement or freedom?  It’s your choice!  Would you be willing to sacrifice your limiting beliefs for unlimited love?

If you are looking to clear some mental clutter and create more spaciousness for choice, I’d love to help!  Intuitive sessions of spiritual counselling, guided meditation, and energy work are my specialty and I am so grateful to be able to share the tools that have helped me through the journey of my spiritual practice with my beloved clients and students.

In truth, I am sharing them with all of you all the time, because we are ONE!

In Gratitude & Infinite Love,


PS:  Did you know that in private sessions with me you can include energy work lessons in the mix?  I often share techniques with clients as the opportunity arises, but if there is a specific topic you’d like to learn about, just let me know and we can find something from my psychic toolbox that works for you.  AND, for people that are dedicated to deepening their practice, I have a range of awesome package deals that save you a bundle when you book a series of sessions. Get in touch to find out more.